After President Ramaphosa declared the spread of Covid-19 a national disaster on Sunday night and in light of the current limitations on public gatherings we had to cancel and delay all our upcoming Fundraising Events for 2020 until further notice.
In the midst of these trying times we will continue to fulfill our purpose which is to provide as safe and loving home to abused, abandoned and neglected babies and toddlers.
With business suddenly very-much-unusual, the need to be adaptable and think creatively is even more critical then ever before. Even more so for us at Miracle Kidz Safe House, as as registered NPO we rely very much on donations from the public and business sectors to continue providing the services we do, in the communities we serve.
For this reason we are launching our Online Fundraising Campaign called COVID Fundraising. We have used COVID as an acronym for Continue Online Valued Individual Donations.
With this fundraiser we want to encourage all our loyal supporters, friends and followers to continue making giving and making donations to Miracle Kids Safe House using some of the online platforms listed below.
As always we remain humbled and on our knees and Thank each and everyone of you for your generosity and love.
Furthermore we want to encourage you to remain positive and to continue praying for each other. We will get through this together.

Here are some useful links for ways in which you can help and support Miracle Kidz online: