Have you ever wondered what real Super Heroes look like? We are the Miracle Kidz and we never give up no matter how hard life gets – we always, Always, Stand up and walk tall. Abandoned, Abused babies and toddlers we stand with you…all for one and one for all Brothers and Sisters – we defend our rights as children to be loved and respected.
We are all trained in GOSHUKAN KARATE & our Sensei Gary teach us to live by the code of HONOR, RESPECT AND DISCIPLINE. We would like to thank our generous Sponsor Goshukan Karate and our mentor Sensei Gary for teaching us life lessons and loving us so unconditionally. We are the Miracle Bunch and we don’t ever give up.
If you would like to make a donation and help Miracle Kidz look after more abandoned and abused babies and toddlers, please make a EFT or direct deposit to:
Bank Details:
First National Bank– Business Account
Account name: Miracle Kidz
Account number: 62504599103
Branch code: 200409
Reference: Your name
Thank You
Elsie Du Plessis
Contact: 072 761 9301