Miracle Kidz is not just a safe house for abandoned and traumatised children but almost, without exception, the children that come to us are all afflicted to some extent with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) and/or drug related issues. This necessitates a further level of care, which is oftentimes extremely challenging and requires ongoing, specialist attention. With the ever-increasing rate of socio-economic difficulties coupled to drug and alcohol abuse in our communities, there is an overwhelming need for safe houses and the very special people committed to caring for these children.
Taking into account all the challenges these children face and the traumas they have already been through, we strive to ensure that our safe house is not just a temporary shelter where children are simply fed and clothed, but a home where their broken hearts and spirits are uplifted for as long as they are with us. For us to continue our work in the community and to keep our doors open costs in the region of R50 000 per month
- 1.Our SnapScan now has a monthly debit order function so you may now setup an amount of your own choice to support #miraclekidzsafehouse by #monthydebitorder. Scan the SnapScan QR Code with your Smart phone to set up your monthly giving.
- 2.You may also visit our website www.miraclekidz.co.za to setup a Debit Order manged by SagePay
- 3. Click on the donate tab for our banking details to setup a reoccurring payment via your online banking.#givingisnowsomucheasier
Bank Details:
FNB– Business Account
Account name:
Strand Miracle Kidz
Account number:
Branch code: 200409
Reference: Your name