To All Our  Sponsors, Donors, Families, Friends and Facebook Followers,

2016 sees Miracle Kidz  (MK) Celebrating 10 years of giving a loving home environment to abandoned and abused babies and toddlers!

Wow! it still feels like yesterday we opened our home.I can  still remember each and every child, that has (through the years), found a temporary shelter here at Miracle Kidz Safe-house.

Firstly, a very big Thank you to all the people and companies that have stood by the kids and I, supporting  us financially over the past decade. Your generosity has helped to positively impact many lives and for this I am humbled and forever Thankful.

I am  writing  to ask you to  continue your support of Miracle Kidz Safe-house this year,  with a donation to our annual Fundraising campaign. Each year, Miracle Kidz  assists individuals in our community and without donation from individuals  and companies like you, this would not be possible. Donations help sustain our MK and benefit the Kids, which we serve.

It is  our Mission to provide a safe and loving temporary home to abused, abandoned and neglected children. Furthermore, to feed, clothe and attend to any medical requirements that are needed and introduce them to a family structure thus preparing them for the future.  We are counting on your support to achieve our mission.

Currently, we have 17 children in our care – of which 2 have severe Cerebral Palsy and need 24 hour care. Each month we need to raise a minimum of R40,000 or ( US$ 2,385) (1,668 GBP) just to make ends-meet and cover our operating costs.

Any Financial Donations may be paid directly into the registered Bank Account of Miracle Kidz Safe House a registered Non Profit Organisation in terms of section 18A of the ACT:

Bank Details:

FNB– Business Account

Account name: Miracle Kidz

Account number:miracle kidz logo240

Branch code: 200409

Reference: Your name

 We promise that we will not be telephoning you, but we do hope that you will respond positively to our written request. Remember that your gift may be tax-deductible!

Thank you in advance for your support!



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